
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gettin my SH*T together!

I really.. I mean REALLY.. struggled the last 3 months of 2011.  I honestly can't really tell you what happened.  Just that I flat out stopped caring!  Life and all its stresses got the better of me.
In the beginning of December I went to a new General Practitioner. He was pretty cool. Much better then the jerk I went back to in July or so.  I really was just going to establish a new doctor and to get my meds refilled.  But I came out with higher confidence knowing that having someone to back me up is pretty dang awesome.   When i told him that i had lost 67lbs by calorizing and getting my butt off the couch. He seemed genuinely proud of me! :)  That meant a LOT.    I told him that i had been struggling since Halloween with watching what i ate and getting my sweat on.  He told me with it being such a rough time of year with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years (and 2 birthday's in between)  then he understands how hard it is.  He suggested not stressing out about it, and just hit it hard in the New Year.

I took his advice to heart.  I slacked WAY too much and ended up gaining back 11 pounds!  :(  I gained the mentality of  "Ohhh I can eat this, ill just burn it off in January.. "  When i hit the 5lb gain, i was thinking ohhh it's ok, it's only 5 pounds.  Then when i reached the 7lbs gained.  I still have lost 60 lbs in under a year, that's good right?!?!  

Now that it is January 1.  I'm thinking WOW it was hard work getting those 10lbs off the first time. Now I gotta do it all over again! :(  What was I thinking?!?!   UGH!!!!   But I'm back!!  I'm going to do this!!!  I have 19 days before I hit my "1 year to a new me anniversary"  and I have 25 days before I go back to my doctor that got this ball rolling in the first place!!   So if I kill it and stay on track, I should have those 10+ lbs gone in no time!!
SO hear's to a newer new me!!   Yay!!

I'll get some Before and Current Pictures up today, after I have a shower :P

My Official New Years Resolutions:
1)  Reach my FIRST goal weight and then some!
2)  Get the Hubs on the band wagon to a new him!
3)  Blog about my weight loss journey EVERY day!  Monday to Friday At Least :P
4)  Use MyFitnessPal and all it's offerings to their fullest!
Looks like a good start :P

How did you stay focused during the Holidays?!  Were you able to stick to your guns?